Don't get me wrong, having 5 boards is definitely an improvement from the last entry. The stickers are also a nice touch!The design is amazing, although I wish there were more boards.

There's some lag now and then, but at least it's playable. You'll definitely have a good time with all those minigames! Surprisingly, online works pretty well (considering the bad reputation Nintendo's online service has). Other than that, the game feels great!Local multiplayer is lots of fun. You're not even "lucky" if you land on one because there's just so many of them! As a result, everyone always has enough coins to buy stars and items. You're notNow THIS is Mario Party.Let's see.Regarding gameplay, it's fantastic! The only thing I dislike is the amount of Lucky Spaces. Now THIS is Mario Party.Let's see.Regarding gameplay, it's fantastic! The only thing I dislike is the amount of Lucky Spaces.